Saturday, February 23, 2013

True Love.... Gift From Above

Recently I found an old blog with poetry that I have written.  I can't figure out how to link the two together, so I am going to re-post some of my work here.

How do we know what is meant from above?
Which whispering voices should we choose to hear?
Is the final decision made by choice or by fear?
So many factors influence life,
So much brought in by personal strife.
How do you know what is false and is real?
What if the man's not you're man of steel?
Not knowing for sure may be one soul's excuse
For missing great joy cuz of fear of abuse.
You never will know if you don't take the chance!
Stand up, fix your hair, take a deep breath and DANCE!!!
The Lord is the one who has power, not you.
He will guide you and lead you to what you should do!
Listen real hard with your soul and your mind.
True love is out there, seek you will find!

Original poem by Dee December 20, 2001

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