Saturday, February 23, 2013


I believe a lot can be learned by watching the
habits of animals....observe the wolf pack for
instance....... a male and female mate for life.... extended
family members join within the pack to share
responsibility of raising the young... similar things are found
within human cultures that place the family unit at a
high value. We live in a culture that does not so
strongly stress nuclear families... almost any combination
of people that share a space may be considered a
family in our culture and rightly so. I myself have a
family comprised of a single parent and children... but
keep in mind that more intelligence does not
necessarily mean that what is done is better.

Consider the impact on poverty, discipline problems, school issues,
drug abuse, alcohol abuse, neglect, use of government
services and child abuse if more people originally came
from loving closely knit packs like the wolves have.
If all children could grow up feeling loved and
supported and trusting that their needs would be met.
People who had been raised in such a way would be much
more capable of reproducing the mores' that it takes
to sustain a loving monogamous family unit. People
who are raised in abusive neglectful situations learn
not to trust others, learn not to be open with their
feelings for fear of being hurt, and may think the only
acceptable form of affection is sexual affection. This may
lead a person either male or female through a string
of bad relationships and heartbreak adding to the
original pain.

I don't deny that lust and sexual desire is a very strong force. 
I don't think that sex in itself is a bad thing.
But all urges shouldn't be acted
upon in the best interests of self preservation. It is
a proven fact in studies that uncommitted sex with
several partners is directly related to past abuse issues
and or low self esteem. In short........the inability
to trust, the fear of being vulnerable to another,
the seeking of affection from the wrong sources can
lead to more and more damage on an already damaged

I also want to reiterate that my previous essay did
not relate to guys in general at all!!!!! There is a
huge difference between being a dog and dating a few
people looking for "the one".

As a labor and delivery nurse I see the results of uncommitted 
sex and low self esteem every day at work! I see the 19 year
old coming in having her fourth baby with the third
dad.... I've seen a woman break into hysterical crying
when we told her she was farther along in her
pregnancy than she thought because it meant another guy
than the one with her at the hospital was the father.
I see husbands and boyfriends fighting in the
hospital about who should get to be in the room when a
baby is born. I've seen a young mother of three dying
because her unfaithful spouse gave her AIDS.

Promiscuity is never a good thing..... good things do NOT
come of it..... and it is truly not in man's original

original post of these thoughts January 20th, 2002

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