Saturday, February 23, 2013

Why so some have relationship troubles? Change is Difficult

I don't think that relationships per say are
difficult. I think that change is difficult......some people
handle it better than others. The ones that can't handle
change well tend to go through more anxiety and self
doubt when they are entering into a new relationship.
This causes a lot of the problems and
misunderstandings that frequently plague a new relationship. "oh
no, he hasn't called in a couple of days, does he
still like me?" or "this is moving too fast, gotta slow
it down!"

People who can't handle change well
seem to get more deeply scarred when relationships
end....mostly cuz they've held on way too long when they
shoulda walked away! (they were afraid of the

Then there's the people that can take life in stride
and gracefully move through changes. They are the
ones that people may label impetuous, wearing their
hearts on their sleeves, loving too freely,
impulsive...............look at it for what it is ........a strength, not a
weakness. You will never know if a love is meant to be
unless you go for it and experience it!

I'm not saying that people aren't shitty and that they won't
take advantage of you. Of course you have to use your
judgement and be careful about who you associate
with....but chances are if you are going on a date with
someone you have already put them through a screening
process. Once you make up your mind that you like someone
why bother wasting time with fears doubts and

Live life with your heart on your sleeve! It may bleed
easier, but the scars won't be as deep!

Original post February 20th, 2002

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