cold night, TV playing softly in the background, lying stretched out with the man I love arm draped lightly across my shoulder, hand lightly pressing, my head on his chest, gentle rise and fall of breathing, slowly I melt into him, my stress evaporating as I breathe in the contentment of the moment.

Sunday, February 24, 2013
Me in 88 Words
Incessant Laughings,Playful Slashings,Jokes beyond control!Smiling blushes,Dingy gushes,Power overthrow!Really I'm not all like that;I'm serious, somber, sad,thoughtful, gentle, quiet, shy,pissed off, raving mad.conservative, liberal, enthusiastic,passive, aggressive, loud, naive.Don't try to understand me,you never will.I don't understand myself!Just know that underneath this mess I'mtrusting, loving, loyal.Given time and God's blessings maybe I'll be able to drop my
protective covering of jokes and laughs and juvenile
behavior...and let you see past my smile.original poem by Dee
Wrote this poem in High School...funny thing is that it still fits today!
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Tired and Weak
Death is just a whisper away
It hides waiting for me to slip up and fall
I can feel it gripping at my chest
Crushing out my breath
Draining all my strength
I don't want to give in
It has me scared
Not sure of what is happening
Control is out of my hands for the moment.
I can't give it a name or a face. Just know that somehow I am not as
strong as I was
I'm not as strong as I can be and I need to find out why.
I feel like my reserve is gone.
I've been tapping into it and straining it for years.
I am still young.
Why do I feel old?
What have I done to deserve this?
How can I gain back control?
I float along listlessly.
Waiting for something strong to grab hold of
Waiting for relief to come floating by
When will it end?
~original poem by Dee~
Written September 22,2002
It hides waiting for me to slip up and fall
I can feel it gripping at my chest
Crushing out my breath
Draining all my strength
I don't want to give in
It has me scared
Not sure of what is happening
Control is out of my hands for the moment.
I can't give it a name or a face. Just know that somehow I am not as
strong as I was
I'm not as strong as I can be and I need to find out why.
I feel like my reserve is gone.
I've been tapping into it and straining it for years.
I am still young.
Why do I feel old?
What have I done to deserve this?
How can I gain back control?
I float along listlessly.
Waiting for something strong to grab hold of
Waiting for relief to come floating by
When will it end?
~original poem by Dee~
Written September 22,2002
Amazing how music
so familiar
reminding you of a time that was lighter
more free
can bring you back to those feelings almost immediately
almost like a transport pod
memories tied in with the beat, words, voices
Instruments screaming your joy, pain, fear, tragedy
Amazing how music
can stop you in your tracks
frozen in fear
caught in a memory
you thought was long gone
Amazing how music can elevate, depress, incite passion, bring joy and
paralyze you
all in one day.
Amazing the feeling of a beat that commands you to dance!
That doesn't allow you to sit
amazing to hear a voice crystal clear singing to your heart
and to love more than you thought possible just for that 4 minute song
amazing how it causes impulsive behavior
makes you feel alive
and brings new understanding of yourself to light.
so familiar
reminding you of a time that was lighter
more free
can bring you back to those feelings almost immediately
almost like a transport pod
memories tied in with the beat, words, voices
Instruments screaming your joy, pain, fear, tragedy
Amazing how music
can stop you in your tracks
frozen in fear
caught in a memory
you thought was long gone
Amazing how music can elevate, depress, incite passion, bring joy and
paralyze you
all in one day.
Amazing the feeling of a beat that commands you to dance!
That doesn't allow you to sit
amazing to hear a voice crystal clear singing to your heart
and to love more than you thought possible just for that 4 minute song
amazing how it causes impulsive behavior
makes you feel alive
and brings new understanding of yourself to light.
Why so some have relationship troubles? Change is Difficult
I don't think that relationships per say are
difficult. I think that change is difficult......some people
handle it better than others. The ones that can't handle
change well tend to go through more anxiety and self
doubt when they are entering into a new relationship.
This causes a lot of the problems and
misunderstandings that frequently plague a new relationship. "oh
no, he hasn't called in a couple of days, does he
still like me?" or "this is moving too fast, gotta slow
it down!"
People who can't handle change well
seem to get more deeply scarred when relationships
end....mostly cuz they've held on way too long when they
shoulda walked away! (they were afraid of the
Then there's the people that can take life in stride
and gracefully move through changes. They are the
ones that people may label impetuous, wearing their
hearts on their sleeves, loving too freely,
impulsive...............look at it for what it is ........a strength, not a
weakness. You will never know if a love is meant to be
unless you go for it and experience it!
I'm not saying that people aren't shitty and that they won't
take advantage of you. Of course you have to use your
judgement and be careful about who you associate
with....but chances are if you are going on a date with
someone you have already put them through a screening
process. Once you make up your mind that you like someone
why bother wasting time with fears doubts and
Live life with your heart on your sleeve! It may bleed
easier, but the scars won't be as deep!
Original post February 20th, 2002
difficult. I think that change is difficult......some people
handle it better than others. The ones that can't handle
change well tend to go through more anxiety and self
doubt when they are entering into a new relationship.
This causes a lot of the problems and
misunderstandings that frequently plague a new relationship. "oh
no, he hasn't called in a couple of days, does he
still like me?" or "this is moving too fast, gotta slow
it down!"
People who can't handle change well
seem to get more deeply scarred when relationships
end....mostly cuz they've held on way too long when they
shoulda walked away! (they were afraid of the
Then there's the people that can take life in stride
and gracefully move through changes. They are the
ones that people may label impetuous, wearing their
hearts on their sleeves, loving too freely,
impulsive...............look at it for what it is ........a strength, not a
weakness. You will never know if a love is meant to be
unless you go for it and experience it!
I'm not saying that people aren't shitty and that they won't
take advantage of you. Of course you have to use your
judgement and be careful about who you associate
with....but chances are if you are going on a date with
someone you have already put them through a screening
process. Once you make up your mind that you like someone
why bother wasting time with fears doubts and
Live life with your heart on your sleeve! It may bleed
easier, but the scars won't be as deep!
Original post February 20th, 2002
New Beginnings
Like a fragile drop of dew hanging on the edge of a leaf
My heart hangs precariously glistening wet with the blood of vulnerability
The protective coating shorn away…….open for all to see
Slowly it spreads it’s wings gently fanning as it dries.
It has been in a cocoon, hiding, healing, growing, changing.
Waiting for the right moment to emerge again.
Dreaming of the day when sunshine, warmth and happiness
Will allow it to fly free dancing on the breeze
The colors become bright and vivid on the drying wings
They smooth and unfurl reaching towards the sky
Taking that first brave leap into the unknown
Faltering, Fluttering, gaining momentum….it’s a start!
~original poem by Dee~*~January 31, 2002~
This poem was inspired by the start of my new relationship with Kelly. :-)
Waiting for a Dream
I've been waiting for a dream
someone that understands me
before i speak
someone that listens to me
with understanding
someone that believes in me
and what i do
Someone that shares with me
unbounded energy
Someone that touches me
with his words
Someone that reaches for me
with his heart
Someone that looks right through
to my soul
I'm not asking for I?
Original poem by Dee
January 20, 2002 (4 days after Kelly and I met in person for the first time). :-)
someone that understands me
before i speak
someone that listens to me
with understanding
someone that believes in me
and what i do
Someone that shares with me
unbounded energy
Someone that touches me
with his words
Someone that reaches for me
with his heart
Someone that looks right through
to my soul
I'm not asking for I?
Original poem by Dee
January 20, 2002 (4 days after Kelly and I met in person for the first time). :-)
I believe a lot can be learned by watching the
habits of animals....observe the wolf pack for
instance....... a male and female mate for life.... extended
family members join within the pack to share
responsibility of raising the young... similar things are found
within human cultures that place the family unit at a
high value. We live in a culture that does not so
strongly stress nuclear families... almost any combination
of people that share a space may be considered a
family in our culture and rightly so. I myself have a
family comprised of a single parent and children... but
keep in mind that more intelligence does not
necessarily mean that what is done is better.
Consider the impact on poverty, discipline problems, school issues,
drug abuse, alcohol abuse, neglect, use of government
services and child abuse if more people originally came
from loving closely knit packs like the wolves have.
If all children could grow up feeling loved and
supported and trusting that their needs would be met.
People who had been raised in such a way would be much
more capable of reproducing the mores' that it takes
to sustain a loving monogamous family unit. People
who are raised in abusive neglectful situations learn
not to trust others, learn not to be open with their
feelings for fear of being hurt, and may think the only
acceptable form of affection is sexual affection. This may
lead a person either male or female through a string
of bad relationships and heartbreak adding to the
original pain.
I don't deny that lust and sexual desire is a very strong force.
I don't think that sex in itself is a bad thing.
But all urges shouldn't be acted
upon in the best interests of self preservation. It is
a proven fact in studies that uncommitted sex with
several partners is directly related to past abuse issues
and or low self esteem. In short........the inability
to trust, the fear of being vulnerable to another,
the seeking of affection from the wrong sources can
lead to more and more damage on an already damaged
I also want to reiterate that my previous essay did
not relate to guys in general at all!!!!! There is a
huge difference between being a dog and dating a few
people looking for "the one".
As a labor and delivery nurse I see the results of uncommitted
sex and low self esteem every day at work! I see the 19 year
old coming in having her fourth baby with the third
dad.... I've seen a woman break into hysterical crying
when we told her she was farther along in her
pregnancy than she thought because it meant another guy
than the one with her at the hospital was the father.
I see husbands and boyfriends fighting in the
hospital about who should get to be in the room when a
baby is born. I've seen a young mother of three dying
because her unfaithful spouse gave her AIDS.
Promiscuity is never a good thing..... good things do NOT
come of it..... and it is truly not in man's original
original post of these thoughts January 20th, 2002
habits of animals....observe the wolf pack for
instance....... a male and female mate for life.... extended
family members join within the pack to share
responsibility of raising the young... similar things are found
within human cultures that place the family unit at a
high value. We live in a culture that does not so
strongly stress nuclear families... almost any combination
of people that share a space may be considered a
family in our culture and rightly so. I myself have a
family comprised of a single parent and children... but
keep in mind that more intelligence does not
necessarily mean that what is done is better.
Consider the impact on poverty, discipline problems, school issues,
drug abuse, alcohol abuse, neglect, use of government
services and child abuse if more people originally came
from loving closely knit packs like the wolves have.
If all children could grow up feeling loved and
supported and trusting that their needs would be met.
People who had been raised in such a way would be much
more capable of reproducing the mores' that it takes
to sustain a loving monogamous family unit. People
who are raised in abusive neglectful situations learn
not to trust others, learn not to be open with their
feelings for fear of being hurt, and may think the only
acceptable form of affection is sexual affection. This may
lead a person either male or female through a string
of bad relationships and heartbreak adding to the
original pain.
I don't deny that lust and sexual desire is a very strong force.
I don't think that sex in itself is a bad thing.
But all urges shouldn't be acted
upon in the best interests of self preservation. It is
a proven fact in studies that uncommitted sex with
several partners is directly related to past abuse issues
and or low self esteem. In short........the inability
to trust, the fear of being vulnerable to another,
the seeking of affection from the wrong sources can
lead to more and more damage on an already damaged
I also want to reiterate that my previous essay did
not relate to guys in general at all!!!!! There is a
huge difference between being a dog and dating a few
people looking for "the one".
As a labor and delivery nurse I see the results of uncommitted
sex and low self esteem every day at work! I see the 19 year
old coming in having her fourth baby with the third
dad.... I've seen a woman break into hysterical crying
when we told her she was farther along in her
pregnancy than she thought because it meant another guy
than the one with her at the hospital was the father.
I see husbands and boyfriends fighting in the
hospital about who should get to be in the room when a
baby is born. I've seen a young mother of three dying
because her unfaithful spouse gave her AIDS.
Promiscuity is never a good thing..... good things do NOT
come of it..... and it is truly not in man's original
original post of these thoughts January 20th, 2002
Thoughts on Happiness in 2002....
Happiness isn't something that I feel one needs to
pursue. You either have it or you don't have
comes and goes...some days I am very happy....other days
I am tearful for no reason.
Getting more money, finding a love, or achieving my goals is not going to
make me any more happy than I already am. If I am
unhappy and think that those things are what is needed to
make me happy....I will find new things to want once I
achieve those...and then once I get this this and this I
will truly be happy! Vicious cycle!
I am happy with who I am...with where I am in my life....and with
the way that my family is cared for! True happiness
is found for me in those things. True happiness is
in the enjoyment of art and music. it is in sharing
common passions with is in living for the
moment and taking things in stride as they come is in giving myself permission to be down once in
awhile and accepting that I can't be perfect!
pursue. You either have it or you don't have
comes and goes...some days I am very happy....other days
I am tearful for no reason.
Getting more money, finding a love, or achieving my goals is not going to
make me any more happy than I already am. If I am
unhappy and think that those things are what is needed to
make me happy....I will find new things to want once I
achieve those...and then once I get this this and this I
will truly be happy! Vicious cycle!
I am happy with who I am...with where I am in my life....and with
the way that my family is cared for! True happiness
is found for me in those things. True happiness is
in the enjoyment of art and music. it is in sharing
common passions with is in living for the
moment and taking things in stride as they come is in giving myself permission to be down once in
awhile and accepting that I can't be perfect!
is hard to find
is precious and rare
is forbidding and inviting all at the same time!
i feel the need
to stay in bed
and pull the covers over my head
i feel the need
to be the center of attention
to have all eyes on me
i wish friends would call
and ask me
about my day
i hurry through
a well-meaning chat
to cut it short
is precious and rare
healing to the soul
balming to the mind
One day, I will have the solitude
of going to the bathroom without a little voice saying Mommy where are
~Original poem by Dee~*~ January 15, 2001~*~
is hard to find
is precious and rare
is forbidding and inviting all at the same time!
i feel the need
to stay in bed
and pull the covers over my head
i feel the need
to be the center of attention
to have all eyes on me
i wish friends would call
and ask me
about my day
i hurry through
a well-meaning chat
to cut it short
is precious and rare
healing to the soul
balming to the mind
One day, I will have the solitude
of going to the bathroom without a little voice saying Mommy where are
~Original poem by Dee~*~ January 15, 2001~*~
Have you ever wondered why a lot of the
stereotype about Interracial relationships have started?! I
bet I can account for about 95% of them in this post!
Have you ever encountered women who are dating just
about any black guy they come into contact with simply
because he is black? Women like that bug me because they
are not in a relationship for the right reasons! They
are using black men just as much as the men are using
them! They do make it tough for women who are serious
about their man! They have no repect for boundaries in
a relationship and will try to seduce someone in a
relationship b4 talking to a single man! They usually try to
act or dress in a way that calls attention to them,
"acting black" (for lack of a better term)! They often
wind up looking out of place and ridiculous! They
think they are cute and don't realize that the men that
are with them are laughing at them along with
everyone else! I call women like that hood rats! They do
more to make a bad name for Interracial relationships
than all of the myths out there rolled up into
one!<br>It's white girls like that, who go to a party and have
probably taken a turn with almost every guy in
there.....It's white girls like that that cause black men to say
shit like...."yeah, I'd date a white woman but I'd
never marry one!" Surprisingly it's white girls like
that that make up a very small percentage of white
women in interracial relationships but get all the
It's also the Black men who feed off of hood rats that
get all the publicity in IR relationships! The
man that has 4-5 baby's moms and no job hanging with
his boys kinda guys! These are the dogs!
It's partially our responsibility to get the public past these
myths! And to put the focus on the real meaning of a
relationship between a man and a woman! Hood rats and dogs
will always be there~ but they are far outnumbered by
the intelligent, sincere, faithful, loving and
productive people in this world!
stereotype about Interracial relationships have started?! I
bet I can account for about 95% of them in this post!
Have you ever encountered women who are dating just
about any black guy they come into contact with simply
because he is black? Women like that bug me because they
are not in a relationship for the right reasons! They
are using black men just as much as the men are using
them! They do make it tough for women who are serious
about their man! They have no repect for boundaries in
a relationship and will try to seduce someone in a
relationship b4 talking to a single man! They usually try to
act or dress in a way that calls attention to them,
"acting black" (for lack of a better term)! They often
wind up looking out of place and ridiculous! They
think they are cute and don't realize that the men that
are with them are laughing at them along with
everyone else! I call women like that hood rats! They do
more to make a bad name for Interracial relationships
than all of the myths out there rolled up into
one!<br>It's white girls like that, who go to a party and have
probably taken a turn with almost every guy in
there.....It's white girls like that that cause black men to say
shit like...."yeah, I'd date a white woman but I'd
never marry one!" Surprisingly it's white girls like
that that make up a very small percentage of white
women in interracial relationships but get all the
It's also the Black men who feed off of hood rats that
get all the publicity in IR relationships! The
man that has 4-5 baby's moms and no job hanging with
his boys kinda guys! These are the dogs!
It's partially our responsibility to get the public past these
myths! And to put the focus on the real meaning of a
relationship between a man and a woman! Hood rats and dogs
will always be there~ but they are far outnumbered by
the intelligent, sincere, faithful, loving and
productive people in this world!
How small and fragile and useless is life
my brain would say
I stare into this big dark world
Sin, Evil Thoughts, Danger
Around me.......In me
No escape? No Return?
Whirlpool sucks.............despair!
{Man's wisdom can encompass only this}
Faith Whispers....
no real pressure....only mind created
Heart says.... lie back, relax
No Danger, no sin
white as snow
Forgiveness..........What a Gift!!!!!
The World Can be a Wonderful Place.
But I know one that is better!
Dee~Jan 7, 2002
my brain would say
I stare into this big dark world
Sin, Evil Thoughts, Danger
Around me.......In me
No escape? No Return?
Whirlpool sucks.............despair!
{Man's wisdom can encompass only this}
Faith Whispers....
no real pressure....only mind created
Heart says.... lie back, relax
No Danger, no sin
white as snow
Forgiveness..........What a Gift!!!!!
The World Can be a Wonderful Place.
But I know one that is better!
Dee~Jan 7, 2002
True Love.... Gift From Above
Recently I found an old blog with poetry that I have written. I can't figure out how to link the two together, so I am going to re-post some of my work here.
How do we know what is meant from above?
Which whispering voices should we choose to hear?
Is the final decision made by choice or by fear?
So many factors influence life,
So much brought in by personal strife.
How do you know what is false and is real?
What if the man's not you're man of steel?
Not knowing for sure may be one soul's excuse
For missing great joy cuz of fear of abuse.
You never will know if you don't take the chance!
Stand up, fix your hair, take a deep breath and DANCE!!!
The Lord is the one who has power, not you.
He will guide you and lead you to what you should do!
Listen real hard with your soul and your mind.
True love is out there, seek you will find!
Original poem by Dee December 20, 2001
How do we know what is meant from above?
Which whispering voices should we choose to hear?
Is the final decision made by choice or by fear?
So many factors influence life,
So much brought in by personal strife.
How do you know what is false and is real?
What if the man's not you're man of steel?
Not knowing for sure may be one soul's excuse
For missing great joy cuz of fear of abuse.
You never will know if you don't take the chance!
Stand up, fix your hair, take a deep breath and DANCE!!!
The Lord is the one who has power, not you.
He will guide you and lead you to what you should do!
Listen real hard with your soul and your mind.
True love is out there, seek you will find!
Original poem by Dee December 20, 2001
Saturday, January 12, 2013
2013; On to the new me.....
my son recommended to me today that I should read a new book. It's
called; The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. I hadn't really
identified a tangible resolution for 2013 up until this point except a general
one of wanting to transform my health, both physically and mentally. In
this book there are exercises that it asks you to do and write down to help
change your image of yourself.... the opening paragraph shared this
"All the suffering and the drama in your
life is a result of what you have learned. Whatever you learn is alive. The
image that you have of yourself is alive and it lives in your mind. That image
is not you, but it will use everything it perceives to justify it's own
existence. It is not you, but it is eating you alive and destroying your
The exercises are meant to explore what you
have learned in life and applied into your image of yourself in a different
way. To capture it for review and to ensure that I follow through in it's
work, I am going to be doing the exercises here, in my blog. You are
welcome to comment, participate, or try the exercises yourself. I hope in
some way this will provide benefit not only to myself, but also to another.
Practice Idea #1:
The image of Perfection (paraphrased from the book)
Are you aware of the distorted images you have
of yourself? What are the images that others have projected on you?
Consider any agreements that tell you what you can and cannot have and
what you can and cannot be. Become aware of the agreements that you have
made with yourself to help recover the awareness of your authentic self.
The objective is to become aware of any agreements that limit the
expression of your creativity, your happiness, or your love.
Try to recall your earliest memories of what
other have told you about yourself. With that in mind answer the
following questions.
What are the images
that were projected onto you? (What I was a child I was told that I was.....)
Creative, a good singer, a good artist, an
animal lover, a tom boy, quiet, shy
I was told that I always needed to respect
I was told that I needed to believe in God and
that many things were sinful and shameful.
I was told that sex was shameful unless it was
between a married couple, but even then you couldn't talk about it or make it a
big part of your life
I was told that I was stupid and in the way
I was told to be quiet
I was told not to talk back
I was told I was to blame when a grown man
sexually abused me. I was told I should never tell. I was told that
my Grandfather is the one that told him to do those things to me and that I
would be in trouble with him if I told (by the abuser)
I was told that I was selfish if I asked for anything
or if I complained
I was told by a teacher that I would never be
good at math
I was told that I was fat and ugly and that I
had a big butt
What limitations
were you told you had? (I was told that my limitation were....)
Don't ask a lot of questions, just do what I
Go to church every Sunday or you are a bad
Don't sleep late or you are lazy
Don't talk about, think about, or try to learn
about sex
Don't tell anyone what adults or older siblings
are doing or you will be a snitch
Be careful
Tell the truth
I would never be good at math
I would never be as good at sports as my sister
I would never be loved by others as much as my cousins
When you were a child what did
others tell you about what it meant to be a boy or a girl?
Boys: Athletic, strong, gross, mean, loud, crude, tend to fight,
wear dark colors, dress up for church, not as smart as girls, not interested in
emotional things; like to hunt, like to watch sports, like scary movies, like
to get dirty
Girls: Smart, quiet, kind, caring, gets along with others,
likes to talk, sewing, baking, takes care of and waits on others, nurturing,
passive, must obey men, have to be good, don't cause trouble, get good grades,
don't be sweaty, smell nice, not allowed to ask for what they want...must be
patient and wait until they get things
Did you fit the ideal image of what
it was to be a girl? Yes and No
I liked sports, but never thought I was good at them. I
liked to hunt, help my Dad with things, work on the farm. I spent the
majority of my childhood outdoors and with animals. I was quiet. I
didn't ask for what I wanted. I didn't argue very often and when I did I
often gave way to what others wanted. I was smart, kind, caring, got
along with others (although a loner at heart) and I felt misunderstood.
Often people would tell me how I felt about things and they were SO far
away from what I really thought that it amazed me. When I tried to explain
what I really was thinking, it seemed they didn't believe me and I was still
labeled with whatever it was that their impression was. I was not an easy
child to read because I was carrying many secrets and hid them behind a mask.
I was abused at the age of 3 and thought everyone could see right through
me, yet they never talked about it. I thought older people could read my
thoughts and see what was in my heart...but when they spoke it it was
wrong, so then I thought maybe I was the one that was wrong.
Make a list of the qualities that
were told you should have both personal and physical:
- Honesty
- Trustworthiness
- Integrity
- Faith
- Tall
- Long legs
- In Shape
- Hard Working
- Never Complaining
- Kind
- Gentle
Make a list of the qualities you
believe you have:
- Honesty
- Trustworthiness
- Integrity
- Faith
- Hard working
- Don't complain often
- Put others first
- Kind
- Gentle
- Strong
- An advocate for myself and others
- Protective of my familiyl
- Respectful
- A Leader
- Intelligent
- Thoughtful
- Contemplative
- Just
- Fair
- Patient
- Empathy
- Slow to judge. I try to ask questions and find out
the facts first
Make a list of qualities that others
think you have:
- I think this list is the same as the one
- Some think I am a bitch or aloof because I don't talk much
- Quiet
- Calm under pressure
Make a list of qualities that you
wish you had:
- No jealousy
- More comfort around others with strong personalities
- More comfort in large social gatherings
- The ability to always convey confidence
- The ability to not let other's emotions affect me
- The ability to not care what others think
Our image of perfection is the
reason we reject ourselves. It's why we don't accept ourselves and why we
don't accept others the way they are. Describe your image of
perfection...What would you look like? What type of personality would you
I actually like my personality, mostly because I try to base it
around being respectful to others and thoughtful around what I do. The
only things about my personality I would change is that I would love to be more
social, to feel comfortable in large groups of people, and to be more open in
some of the boundaries that I have without guilt.
My perfect looks would be... healthy weight, long hair, nice
nails, tall, still the same proportions with an hourglass shape. Fashionable
dress....great business casual.
Is it humanly possible for you to
achieve this image of perfection, how? Yes
with diet and exercise as well as work on erasing some of the boundaries that
have held me back in the past.
Does your image of perfection
inspire you to be your best or does it discourage you? Encourages me to be my best. At times I will get discouraged
while working on my physical appearance. Weight loss is hard work with
set backs and I have a lot of weight to lose.
What is your image of perfection for others?
My image of perfection for my
partner is: He is strong,
supportive, loving, faithful, respectful, and always willing and ready to
defend me. He values his relationship with me and enjoys spending time
with me. He is passionate and dominant in nature while being fair, kind,
and protective. He can take charge, but stay kind while doing so.
He loves his family and supports them in good and bad times. He is
happy, healthy, and in control of his emotions. He can show these things
in many ways, they don't have to be words or mushy displays of affection.
He is creative, hard working, and honest.
My image of perfection for my
children are: They work hard at whatever
they choose to do. They help around the house. They strive to be
the best at school, work. They support each other. They are honest.
They are happy. They are beautiful and respectful.
My image of perfection for my
parents are: They love me and my family.
They trust us to make good decisions and to live our lives in the way
that we choose. They have confidence that we are raising our children to
be good people and citizens. They don't care what we think politically or
try to force us to believe what they believe.
My image of perfection for my best
friend is: Someone that I trust
My image of perfection for my co-workers
are: That they work hard.
That they are ethical and honest. That they do not jump to
conclusions. That they respect each other and are open to problem solving
and new ideas. That they don't try to exert power over each other. That
they respect and value me just as I respect and value them.
My image of perfection for my boss
is: That she listens to me.
That she asks me how I feel and never assumes. That she gives me
feedback either negative or positive in a timely way. That she trusts my
judgement, knowledge, and expertise to allow me to use it to the best of my
ability. I need to be able to learn something from her and have her open
to teaching, listening, and helping me to grow.
exercises continue....But must in a new post. This is getting really
long! Please feel free to reuse this format and ask the questions of
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