Saturday, March 10, 2012

Solar Flares or Anger Flares?

Wow! Today is blowing me away just a little bit.  There is definitely a large amount of energy in the air right now!  Solar flares, northern lights shows with brilliant colors, bright stars hanging in the air so close you could almost touch them.  There appears to be lots of emotion both negative and positive in the atmosphere greatly affecting those around me.  Fears seem to be amplified... stress seems to be heightened.... defense mechanisms are at full arm and ready to go. This energy seems to be scattering thoughts and reactions.  I have come across defensiveness and suspicion from sources that are usually rational, trusting, and calm.  Despair and fear are making others feel like they are drowning or failing when they are really stars. Usually when I notice a particularly strong pull from the moon or other forces that are negatively affecting others emotions, it's brought to my attention because I too am feeling unbalanced and upset for reasons unknown... today is different.

Today this energy that has seemingly thrown others around me for a loop has helped me to focus and find clarity in areas where I may have had a panic response in the past.  It has been definitely working in my favor most of the day today!  Last night and early this morning I went with a friend and my daughter to watch the Northern Lights.  We saw the most spectacular show that I have seen since I moved here! Greens, purples, reds dancing in the sky, framing the mountains and trees.  Truly a moment that I will carry in my memory forever!  After having such a spectacular treat and after a week that had been tiring and stressful up until today, I had an extremely productive day at work digging in and getting caught up on investigating charts, looking into unusual occurrence reports, entering days worth of charges, clearing out emails and voice mails, checking off items on my to do list, spending time talking and problem solving with staff members and with doctors.  There was great teamwork between departments moving chess pieces into the right place to keep a busy day moving forward.  I left work feeling accomplished and just maybe a hint at being kind of caught up after taking time off for a wedding last week.

Funny how a tone in an email or a text message can make you doubt the great day you just had.  I pray that the energy will move in other's favor so that they can find peace as they sleep tonight and happiness and contentment when they wake tomorrow.

Love and God's Blessings to my friends and family.  Good night!!

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