Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Rudeness beyond measure

Have you ever been blindsided by rudeness so harsh that you just stood there and scratched your head and wondered what the hell happened?  That happened to me over the course of this weekend.  A woman, although she doesn't really deserve to be called that, attacked me.  This was unprovoked and seemingly without any explanation.  Usually I am easy going and can blow things off to forget about them.  Today I cannot.  I want support. I want to be stood up for. I deserve to be defended because I didn't even know this woman, had no ties to her, and before recently didn't even know she existed...yet she has sent my husband pictures, text messaged him, and has repeatedly been in contact with him after he DJ'd a party that she was involved in arranging.   She then had the nerve to go off on and insult me thinking I had no right to ask her to tone it down because he's an entertainer.   Be a fan....fine.  Be a friend....fine.  Cross the line to disrespecting me as his wife.....hell no!  I understand that my husband is in the entertainment business and that because of that he will work with a variety of people.  Just because he works with the public doesn't mean the public owns him or has any rights to expect his loyalties.  That is owed to his family and no one else.

I have never been this livid at any other point in my husband's career. There have been other way too friendly fans that crossed lines...but none so bold or unapologetic.  It's the nature of the business and to be expected.  That person has crossed the line of disrespect that never should have been crossed and she had better be put in her place.  I expect a full apology and for her to be reprimanded for the way in which she treated me.  I can't believe how insulting her behavior and words were.  I wouldn't have even talked to someone I hated in the way that I was spoken to. I'm so angry I can't sleep.

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