Friday, March 16, 2012

Just in Case

One never knows when that moment will come.  When you will have said your last "I Love you's" and your last goodnights to those that mean the world to you.  Tomorrow I am having a medical procedure done that requires anesthesia.  I have no reason to think that it won't go well...but just in case.

Kelly, I want you to know that I love you with all of my heart.  You are a challenge as well as a relief.  You support me and make me stronger in some ways and keep me humble in others.  My life has been ever so much richer because you are in it.

Kids, I love you and you are the world to me.  I have always tried to be a good example to you.  To teach you a good work ethic as well as love and kindness to others.  I hope that that message has come through.

My friends are small in number but so dear to me.   I have never been one to spend time with lots of acquaintances.  I am really close to and trust a select few.  It's funny, but I have never really felt the need to be the life of the party or to be surrounded by people although I still do enjoy the spotlight and being the center of attention.  My friends know who they are, and they know how I work.  They have talked with me, cried with me, listened to my sometimes irrational fears, and have both given and taken advice from me.  I would do anything for them and I know they would reciprocate.  My life has been blessed because of you all.

My mom and dad are great people.  Strong in their faith and hard working.  I admire and love you both.  I love my brothers and sisters and in laws as well.  I am proud of what they have accomplished and of their beautiful and strong families.  My only wish is that we could all have been closer and talked more.  Recently I haven't been reaching out as much as I used to because I didn't see reciprocation.

My dogs are some of the most important people to me as well.  They are comforting, understanding.  Always there to support.  They seem to know when I need someone close because they will smother me during those times.  It's interesting how in tune they are.

Don't worry, this isn't a goodbye letter, this isn't a veiled I'm dropping off the face of the earth letter.  It is just things that I should be saying all the time, but maybe haven't taken the time to say lately.

One thing I can say I have been blessed with in my life is the capacity to love.  I have been hurt and have been given reasons never to trust another human being...yet I can love with abandon.  I have been able to totally give myself heart and soul to my husband.  I have been willing to take risks and challenge situations that threatened our love.  Not everyone knows what that feels like or has the capacity to open their hearts in the way that I do.  I am grateful for that.

I love you all!  Tomorrow I can go into my procedure knowing that I am probably going to be just fine and have the chance to say this and so much more in person to those I love....but just in case.

Good night!!!

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