Saturday, January 28, 2012


It's been COLD....I mean really cold, and not just...."hey stupid you live in Alaska cold".  We have had about a month long stretch of below zero weather.  Anchorage winters are usually pretty mild and tolerable.  You have enough snow to enjoy the beauty and winter sports, and the temperature stays around a pretty steady 20 degrees or so with a short stretch of below zero weather that you can put up with for a few days and then get over.  Not so much this year.  It's been relentlessly cold!  Spirit dampening cold!  Keep you from wanting to go anywhere cold.  CABIN FEVER anyone?

Today the sky is a beautiful blue, the sun is out, and the white frost coating has gone from our trees in the backyard.  I can't deny the beauty of what's been created by this cold snap. I am however, ready for the next scene!

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